Book - Chaouabtis View larger

Book - Chaouabtis


New product

Louvre catalog of the shabtis

This small booklet is a catalog of the 2003 exhibition at the Louvre. However, apart from an overview in writing of the pieces of the exhibition, the booklet is more an overview of the various topics of shabtis, such as material, deveolpment in time and so on.

Price: € 50,--

Size: 26 x 20 cm

Condition: New

Pages: 101 

Language: French

Photo's:  mainly color

More details

  • According to their funeral beliefs, the Egyptians were convinced that they had to perform agricultural chores in their future life.
    To deal with this eventuality, they designed magical deputies capable of working in their place for eternity.
    These funeral servants with the bizarre name, chaouabti, ouchebti, have the appearance of statuettes in various materials equipped with agricultural tools. For nearly 2000 years they accompanied the deceased to his tomb and were often reunited in substantial "troops" -
    401 figures for an owner, in principle. We understand that despite the vagaries of history, a good number of them have come down to us. These servants occupy an important place in the collections of Egyptology: more than 4,200 copies in the Louvre museum.
    This work, illustrated by a choice of statuettes from the museum, aims to explain the origin and function of the servants. It gives as complete an overview as possible of their astonishing diversity.