Book - Ägyptische Totenfiguren aus öffentlichen und privaten Sammlungen der Schweiz


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Rare, out of print,  Hardbound book of Shabtis form Swiss privates collections.

Price: € 150,--

Size: 32,5 x 34,5 cm

Pages: 354

Photo's B&W

Language: German

Condition: New

More details

  • This first book on ushabtis by Hermann Schlögl, written together with Andreas Brodbeck is his best book on ushabtis. Over 250 shabtis are described and photographed from all sides together with translation and glyphs hand made accompanying each shabti as well as the parallel information which Schlögl does as always...

    Since it also covers private collections it also contains objects which legally were found and exported in the 1950's till 1970's so that it describes many of the shabtis found on the art market that are rarer in musea, such as the Pa-Khaas shabtis and the LP general Hor-Khebi.

    Also, it contains a great number of shabtis from the second cachette at Deir el Bahri.